24 – Dinner for Two

Drew and Colin found a quiet table in the corner and ordered bacon and eggs and coffee.

“God I’m hungry,” Drew announced as he wolfed down some bacon.

“You’re always hungry,” Colin mused.

“Oh haha,” Drew sarced.

Colin fell silent for a few moments then piped up again. “It’s ironic really isn’t it? A pig eating pig? It’s almost cannibalism.”

Drew choked on his coffee. “Bastard,” he managed to gasp. “Anyway, it’s Aussie pig, so we’re not related.”

“Whose pork is it anyway?” Colin continued.

This time Drew gagged on his eggs. “Stop doing that.”

“Doing what?” Colin said innocently.

“You know,” Drew smiled and took a large mouthful of coffee.

Colin began snuffling like a pig. Drew hacked his coffee back into the mug.

“I am so never going anywhere with you again,” Drew hissed.

Colin smiled, pleased with himself.

“You fellas still here?” a voice asked.

Drew and Colin looked up to see a small, hirsute man in a bad retro shirt.

“Do we know you?” Drew asked.

“Sorta kinda. You guys are friends of Greg’s. Well I know who you are anyway,” said the man, looking at Drew.

“And you would be?” Colin asked.

“Paul, we met back in Sydney. Mind you we were all pretty wasted – you Yanks sure know how to party,” the man enthused.

“We were in Sydney in the past week?” Drew queried.

“Yep, met at Mardi Gras, went on to a huge party,” Paul grinned.

“We went to Mardi Gras? The gay and lesbian Mardi Gras?” Colin breathed.

“Yeah, we did pretty well for a bunch of straight guys, too,” Paul laughed.

There were sighs of relief from Drew and Colin.

“So do you know how we got to Melbourne?” Drew asked.

“Man, you guys were so out of it you can’t remember?” Paul gasped and then grinned.

“Oh yes, there’s lots we can’t remember,” Colin nodded.

“We all caught a flight down the next day. Drunk even more on that. Actually the tall guy…Ryan…he started a conga line, went right through economy, up to first and into club,” Paul chuckled.

“That’d be a first,” Colin mused to no one in particular.

“Anything else you remember, man?” Drew smiled.

Paul thought for a bit. “It’s pretty hazy for me. Obviously not as much as you fellas, though.”

“Don’t suppose you know a Felicia?” Colin sighed.

“No, sorry. Is Greg around?” Paul queried.

“He’s back at the hotel. Join us for dinner if you want,” Colin offered.

Paul looked at his watch. “I shouldn’t…supposed to be somewhere else…yeah, why the hell not.”