31 – Pancakes and Fellatio

Fenny blearily opened her eyes and looked over at Brad. He was lying gracefully on his stomach with one arm draped lazily over her. She gently slid out from beneath the sheets, straightened her pajamas, grabbed her glasses and padded out of the room. She wandered into the kitchen and was surprised to find Gina, still in her pajamas, clawing through the cupboards.

“Morning,” Fenny said sheepishly as she grabbed a glass from the counter.

“Huh, oh morning,” Gina replied poking her head in another cupboard. “Aha, I knew we had flour.”

“I can totally understand if you’re angry with me,” Fenny announced as she grabbed the juice from the fridge.

“Fen, I’m the one who should be sorry. Having lewd dreams about Brad and all,” Gina sighed, turning to look at Fenny.

“Hey, you can’t help what you dream kiddo,” Fenny smiled.

“I wish I could, after last night, I’m seriously thinking of undertaking therapy,” Gina declared.

“Not another Brad dream?”

“No. I don’t wish to go into detail about it, though all I’m saying is it involved green jelly and Ozzy Osbourne.”

“Ozzy Osbourne, that’s just so wrong.”

“Be lucky you don’t have the images permanently running through your head like b-grade porn.”

“Trust me I am,” Fenny mused as she sipped her juice. “What’re you making?”

“I thought I’d treat us all to pancakes for breakfast,” Gina perked as Fenny wandered over and looked over her shoulder.

“Can you stay forever and just cook for me?”

“Like hell. You should go take a cooking course or something,” Gina suggested.

“Why? So an entire class of people can mock me as my soufflé ends up a pile of ash?” Fenny huffed.

“Oh to be a fly on the slightly stained wooden spoon in your hand during one of the classes,” Gina sighed.

“I hope your pancakes burn,” Fenny grumbled.

“No you don’t,” Gina cooed.

“You’re right,” Fenny breathed. “Is Paul up? I feel I need to apologise to him too.”

“He’s not up, but he’s awake. Feel free to go and encourage him to haul his arse out of bed,” Gina chided.

“He won’t mind?” Fenny asked.

“Do you care?” Gina replied.

“Good point,” Fenny mused and headed out of the kitchen.

She approached the guestroom door and found it had been left slightly ajar, she peered around the door and noticed Paul was curled up on his side, eyes closed, presumably asleep. Fenny pushed back the door and wandered into the room. She climbed onto the bed and poked Paul in the back.

“Fuck off,” Paul mumbled sleepily.

“No, I want to talk to you,” Fenny declared and continued poking him until he rolled over onto his back.

“It’s too early to talk,” Paul yawned as he rubbed his eyes.

“It’s ten o’clock, you lazy shit.”

“Don’t abuse me when I’m sleepy,” Paul huffed and pulled the covers over his head.

Fenny pulled the covers back down and narrowed her eyes at Paul. “Hey, you pull those covers down any further and you’ll be seeing more than you probably want,” Paul mused.

“Ew,” Fenny cringed and moved back a little.

“So, what are you doing disturbing me from my beauty sleep?” Paul sighed, finally managing to open his eyes.

“I wanted to apologise for being horrible to you last night.”

Paul gave a tired giggle. “God, you think I care?”

“You might. Besides, you were totally right. I was avoiding things.”

“So you talked to Brad?”

“Yeah, and things feel a lot better,” Fenny smiled.

Paul sat up and scratched his chest. “See, you’re not so spineless. You just need a bit of direction.”

“I didn’t fuck things up for you and Gina, did I? That whole Greg thing?” Fenny asked.

“Nah, I trust her,” Paul replied. “What smells so nice?”

“She’s making pancakes,” Fenny perked.

“Ohh, yum. Go fuck off now so I can get some pants on,” Paul declared. “Go on,” he added.

“I’m going, I’m going,” Fenny giggled as she scurried out of the room.


Gina turned around to see a sleepy looking Brad appear in the kitchen. “It never ceases to amaze me how guys can smell food even in their sleep,” Gina sighed.

“We think first with our dicks, then with our stomachs,” Brad declared.

“No really,” Gina sarced and tuned back to her pancakes.

“Look, sorry about going off like that last night,” Brad sighed.

“So you damn well should be,” Gina said curtly.

“I didn’t mean it to come out like it did, it was all heat of the moment stuff,” Brad breathed.

“Oh, that makes you declaring I’m that easy to the world ok then,” Gina hissed.

“Gina…” Brad sighed and reached out to touch her arm.

“Don’t touch me, Sherwood,” Gina spat. “If it wasn’t for the fact that Fen is my best friend, I’d insert this pancake mix up your arse, complete with spoon.”

Brad held up his hands and backed away. He didn’t think Gina would take it quite so much to heart.

“Good morning,” Fenny perked as she waltzed back into the kitchen. “Paul’s coming, he’s just getting his pants on.”

Gina and Fenny looked at each other for a moment.

“That sounded so deeply wrong didn’t it?” Fenny asked.

“Yeah,” Gina nodded.

Fenny giggled to herself as she wandered over and wrapped her arms around Brad.

“And how are you, my sexy hunk of man meat?”

“Like a pig in shit,” Brad mused as he brought his lips to hers.

“I can see the resemblance,” Gina muttered.

“What?” Fenny asked, peering over her shoulder.

“Pancakes are ready,” Gina perked and placed a large plate of the doughy breakfast food on the table.

“Brownie points for Gina,” Fenny smiled as she took a seat at the table. Brad quickly joined her as Paul appeared, still looking half asleep.

“Morning darling,” Gina cooed as he staggered to the table and flopped into a chair.

“Morning babe,” Paul yawned and reached for a pancake. “Jesus Christ,” he hissed shaking his now burnt hand.

“That’ll learn ya,” Gina mused as she poured him a mug of tea.

“I could have been badly injured,” Paul sulked. “And you forgot to get the milk out.”

“Oh gee, so sorry I was busy feeding everyone,” Gina chided as Paul got to his feet and went over to the fridge to get the milk.

“So you should be, it’s unnatural for you to be domestic,” Paul teased. “Anyone else having milk in their tea?”

“Yes, me,” Brad piped up.

“How much?” Paul asked.

“I don’t know, about a mouthful,” Brad shrugged as he pondered the front cover of the paper.

“Ok,” Paul mused with a wry smile and lifted the milk carton to his mouth. Gina shook her head and Fenny nearly gagged as Paul spat a mouthful of milk into Brad’s tea.

“You bastard, you spat in my tea!” Brad gasped.

“You’re lucky I don’t piss in your face,” Paul declared and sat back down.

“You’re filthy,” Gina giggled.

Brad looked at Paul stunned, as Fenny couldn’t help but snigger into her pancakes.

“What? You deserve it for insulting my wife last night anyway,” Paul sneered.

“I’ve apologised for that,” Brad huffed, still looking disgusted at his tea.

“Doesn’t mean I forgive you,” Gina said, narrowing her eyes.

“You two are seriously evil,” Fenny scorned. “You know that?”

“Evil, spitting in someone’s beverage is just plain unnatural,” Brad scorned. “You have real issues, you know that?”

“Don’t point at me Sherwood,” Paul countered as Brad waved his finger in his direction.

“Have you ever considered therapy or medication, because I think it might help,” Brad continued.

“I said don’t fucking point,” Paul warned.

“I’ll point if I want to,” Brad declared getting to his feet.

“It’s fucking rude to point,” Paul spat, looking at Brad’s finger.

“What you gonna do, pixie?” Brad jeered and leaned forward to poke Paul’s nose.

“I can do this,” Paul mused and wrapped his mouth around Brad’s finger and sucked.

Brad let out a silent scream and pulled his now spittle-covered finger from Paul’s mouth.

“I declare Paul the winner of breakfast argument number 405,” Fenny laughed.

“Mmm maple syrup,” Paul grinned impishly.

Brad was speechless and held his finger out like it was diseased. Gina looked at Paul amused. “Totally filthy,” she smiled.

“I’m bored,” Gina declared, switching off the television.

“Since when did it rain in California?” Paul asked.

“I blame global warming,” Brad huffed.

“But the trees and stuff need rain, I think it’s great,” Fenny perked.

“She’s not normal,” Gina breathed.

“Needs to see a vet,” Paul agreed.

“Oh gee, thanks,” Fenny huffed.

“Come on guys, we’ve got to do something before the taping tonight,” Brad announced.

“Taping?” Fenny asked raising an eyebrow.

“Did I not mention it to you?” Brad half smiled.

“Hmm, let me think, no,” Fenny replied.

“Look on the bright side, Fen, you know now,” Paul perked.

“We’re all going, right?” Gina asked, not wanting to miss the taping.

“Would it be any fun if we weren’t?” Fenny countered.

“True,” Gina nodded.

“So, let’s do something,” Brad pleaded.

“We could play a game,” Fenny suggested.

“Like?” Gina asked.

“Hide the sausage,” Paul mused.

“I was thinking more the kind you play with dice,” Fenny scorned.

“Strip Monopoly,” Paul perked.

“I’m not asking,” Fenny sighed.

“What about Scattagories?” Gina piped up.

“See, that’d be fun…If we had it,” Fenny grumbled.

“Surely we can improvise,” Gina enthused. “All we need is some questions and the letters of the alphabet.”

“Ok, who wants to organise it then?” Fenny perked.

Everyone looked at everyone else.

“Pauly can, since he played the bloody thing on Good News Week on a regular basis,” Gina perked.

“Gee, how did I know that one was coming,” Paul sighed as he got to his feet and disappeared into the kitchen.

He returned twenty minutes later smiling broadly. He placed a bowl full of small pieces of paper on the coffee table and had several sheet of paper in his hands.

“Right, this is GNW style Scattagories. Who wants to go first?” he perked.

“I will,” Brad offered and reached into the bowl. “I got the letter ‘H’.”

“OK, things starting with the letter ‘H’,” Paul began. “Something that turns you on?”

“Hundreds of horny Hawaiian hula girls,” Brad mused.

“You might want to save some of those H’s mate,” Paul smiled. “A body part.”

“Healthy heart,” Brad cooed.

“Hairy ass,” Fenny cut in and copped a glare from Brad. “Sorry,” she giggled.

“Favorite holiday.”


“Favorite holiday, you know one of those occasion when people spend money on shit they don’t need?” Paul scorned.

“Holiday, Hanukkah, no, Halloween.”

Paul rolled his eyes. “Say something nice about Fen.”

Brad looked at Fenny and studied her for a moment. “Hot babe.”

Fenny felt herself blush.

“Ok, last one, sing us a song.”

“A song, ah…shit…’Happy happy joy joy, happy happy joy’,” Brad winced.

“And now we know Brad likes Ren and Stimpy,” Gina sniggered.

“That game’s hard,” Brad declared.

“Next,” Paul ordered as Fenny gingerly grabbed a letter.

“T,” she breathed.

“Things beginning with ‘T’,” Paul grinned as he hunted out the right piece of paper. “Something you drink?”

“Tequila,” Fenny replied.

“Yes, tea would’ve been too easy,” Paul countered. “Somewhere you’ve had sex.”

“Um, the toilet at a party,” Fenny winced.

“Hello,” Paul cackled. “I think we need to stop the game here.”

“No, just keep rolling the questions off,” Fenny begged.

“No don’t, who did you fuck in a toilet, man?” Gina enthused.

“His name was Jason and it was an art college party, I go no further,” Fenny cringed and noticed Brad was looking at her strangely. “Oh and you haven’t, huh?”

“Next question,” Gina ordered.

“Something you shouldn’t suck.”

“Testicles, oh,” Fenny peeped and turned bright red.

“Um ok,” Paul mused.

“Can’t believe I just said that,” Fenny breathed.

“Dirty bitch,” Gina teased. “Besides, you hum on them.”

“Excuse me?” Brad gasped.

“Yeah, apparently there’s special tunes you hum and it heightens your man’s pleasure,” Gina nodded.

“Please god don’t let one of them be ‘I’ve Got a Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts’,” Paul giggled.

“Next question,” Fenny laughed, still red.

“Ahh, say something nice about me,” Paul chirped.

“Damn, she’s already used testicles,” Gina cackled.

“Totally fucking mental,” Fenny mused.

“Oh,” Paul pouted and then grinned. “Last one, a word to describe you.”

“Totally spineless,” Gina piped up and then dodged a cushion that Fenny threw at her.

“Tantalising,” Brad suggested.

“Talented artistically,” Fenny smiled.

“Well said,” Paul agreed. “Your go Genie.”

“Crap,” Gina sighed. “F,” she giggled.

“Well, we know where this is going,” Fenny sniggered and then dodged the cushion that Gina threw back at her.

“Things beginning with ‘F’,” Paul began. “Something you enjoy?”

Everyone burst out laughing.

“The cooking of fondue,” Gina snide.

“Something you’d never do?” Paul asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Fondle Ozzy Osbourne,” Gina replied, everyone cracked up again.

“A childhood memory.”

“Ahh…Flinging kangaroo shit at my brother’s friend,” Gina mused.

“Right, first steps would have been fine, but sure, you can talk about the freaky stuff,” Paul chided.

“I flicked it in his lunchbox,” Gina smiled.

“Weird foreplay you have,” Brad jeered.

“What do you like about me?” Paul piped up.

“Fucking gorgeous,” Gina cooed.

“What do you like about me?”

“Fantastic in bed.”

“What do you like about me?”

“Funniest person ever.”

“What do you like about me?”

“Fecund mind.”

“What do you like about me?”

“Furry flesh.”

“What do you like about me?”

“Fellatio practice.”

Paul and Gina doubled over laughing.

“You two are pure filth,” Fenny giggled.

“This game is just so you can have an ego boost, isn’t it?” Brad declared.

“What would your mother say?” Paul sniggered as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

“About the same as Fen,” Gina gasped, trying to calm down. “Your go, for a change,” she added and snatched the questions from Paul.

“Damn,” Paul breathed and grabbed a letter. “O”

“Something that disgusts you?” Gina began.

“Old people having sex,” Paul replied instantly. “It’s just wrong.”

“Something you yell?” Gina mused.

“Oh god yes, oh yeah, oh baby, ohhhhhh,” Paul groaned.

“Hey, you remember when we did that?” Fenny piped up and got curious looks from Gina and Brad. “Made the noises, you dirty minded people. I’ll explain later.”

“Something mythical.”

“Orgasms,” Paul shrugged. “For women, I mean we men can hardly fake it.”

“I would have accepted ogre,” Gina chided.

“Have you ever faked?” Brad piped up as he looked at Fenny.

“Oh hell yes,” Fenny replied, then paused. “Not with you though, babe.”

Brad looked unconvinced.

“A word to describe yourself?” Gina announced. “I suggest odorous.”

“Oddball,” Fenny chimed in.

“Omniscient,” Paul grinned.

“No fair, he used a big word,” Brad cussed.

“Last one, say something nice about me,” Gina smiled and chucked the papers over her shoulder.

Paul narrowed his eyes, and then smiled. “Object of my affection.”

“You total sap,” Fenny chided as Gina grabbed Paul and kissed him.

There was an outbreak of tonsil tennis and groping, before the ringing of the phone made everyone jump a mile. Brad jumped up and answered it.

“Hello, yeah of course, what now? Not now, now is bad. Well he’s an idiot, isn’t he? Don’t use that type of language at me. Ok, ok, I’ll be there as soon as I can,” Brad hung up the phone and looked disgruntled.

“Problems?” Fenny asked.

“Wayne wants to practice some duets,” Brad huffed. “And Chip is busy with his kids, so guess who has to go pander to Brady’s every want and need.”

“Well there goes the rest of our afternoon of joy,” Gina sarced.

“Such is life,” Fenny sighed. “Hey, why don’t you ruin Wayne’s life and take Paul along?”

An evil twinkle appeared in Brad’s eye, “You interested?” he asked turning to Paul.

“Yeah all right,” Paul nodded. “I’ve already kicked the guys arse at karaoke.”

“You two going to come?” Brad asked.

“Don’t say it,” Fenny sniggered and pointed at Gina.

“Say what?” Gina asked innocently.

“We’ll be there later,” Fenny smiled, as Brad caught her in a quick kiss.

“I’m so glad everything is sorted out now,” he breathed.

“Yeah, what could possibly go wrong, hey?” Paul jeered.