23 – Broken Dreams

“Hello, the store is that way,” Greg scorned as he stopped and pointed.

“Hello, don’t you think I know that?” Gina scared.

“Then why aren’t we heading in that direction?” Greg asked.

“Because, I think it would be nice if we gave Fen and Brad some space,” Gina replied and continued walking.

“Well, can we at least get some food while we leave them to fuck like rabbits?” Greg huffed.

“I promised I’d bring breakfast back for all of us,” Gina said matter-of-factly.

“What? Why? What are you hoping to achieve, a bond for life forged over crunchy breakfast foods and moo juice?” Greg exclaimed.

“I think you’re overreacting,” Gina scorned.

“Overreacting! Don’t you know breakfast is the most important meal of the day?” Greg huffed.

“What’s important is Fenny’s happiness,” Gina said curtly. “And if that means steering clear of her apartment so her and Braddles can fuck like rabbits, then so be it.”

“Fine, but can we at least get some coffee?” Greg huffed.

Gina stopped to glare at him, and then softened. “Oh ok, if it’ll shut you up.”

Fenny looked over at the door then reluctantly let go of Brad’s underwear. She padded over, unlocked the door and then felt the colour drain from her face. It was Ritza. They soaked in each other’s appearance: Fenny in only her faded t-shirt, and Ritza in crotch-hugging jeans and a strappy singlet.

“What do you want?” Fenny hissed.

“I know he’s here,” Ritza sneered.

“So, doesn’t that tell you anything?” Fenny spat.

“You’re pathetic,” Ritza countered before pushing Fenny out of the way and marching into her apartment.

“Ritza,” Brad gasped, feeling particularly silly in only his underwear.

“Brad,” Ritza breathed. “I think we need to talk.”

“Yes, I think we do,” Brad replied sternly. “I’ll just get some clothes on,” he added and disappeared into Fenny’s bedroom.

Fenny and Ritza glared at each other.

“You won’t win him back,” Ritza sneered.

“I already have,” Fenny spat.

“That’s right, you keep those fantasies alive,” Ritza mused.

“Get out of my apartment,” Fenny hissed through gritted teeth.

“But Brad and I…”

“You can do it elsewhere,” Fenny snapped, cutting her off.

Ritza let out a dejected huff and marched back out of the apartment. Fenny let out a deep sigh and was about to sit when Brad reappeared. He looked shocked not to see Ritza.

“She’s waiting outside,” Fenny mumbled.

Brad looked apologetically at Fenny and pulled her into a hug. “I promise I won’t be long. I’ll just tell her it’s over and that I love you,” he kissed her softly on the cheek and then left.

Fenny stepped back and sat in an armchair. She didn’t have a good feeling about any of this. Not at all.

“Why do we always end up in parks?” Greg asked as he took the lid off his Styrofoam cup.

“They’re nice places to hang,” Gina shrugged as they rocked back and forth on the swings.

“No they’re not, they’re where all the drug dealers are, people get mugged, children hurt and pets escape,” Greg mused.

“Well, there’s trees and stuff,” Gina scorned.

“Not a big tree fan, myself,” Greg sighed.

“Oh, shut up,” Gina mumbled.

He laughed at his ability to wind her up.

“Greg,” Gina suddenly breathed and grabbed onto his swing so she could talk to him.

“Hey, watch it, I don’t want my testicles scalded, thank you,” Greg huffed.

“Is that Brad and Ritza?” she asked, pointing to the approaching figures.

“Shit, it is,” Greg gasped.

“They’re heading in this direction, let’s hide. I want to hear what they’re saying,” Gina announced and scurried off the swing. Greg followed and they hid in a wooden cubby house at the top of a slide.

“This is cramped,” Greg whined.

“Shhh,” Gina whispered.


“So how long have you been fucking her, huh?” Ritza snapped.

“Fenny and I are not just fucking,” Brad snapped back.

“Oh please, don’t tell me you actually think you love her,” Ritza laughed sharply.

“As a matter of fact, I do,” Brad retorted.

“So what? Going to dump me now, are you?” Ritza asked.

“No, I’m going to pimp you off to Drew. What the hell do you think?” Brad hissed.

“Well I’ve got some news for you, Bradley. I mean don’t you wonder why I came here?” Ritza scorned.

“Yeah, to fuck my life up more,” Brad spat.

“I’m pregnant, Brad,” Ritza announced, not hiding her sneer.

Brad’s mouth opened but nothing came out. He sat on the nearest park bench and rested his head in his hands. “Fuck,” he breathed.

“I love you, Brad, and I’m going to have your child,” Ritza gushed, doing a lovely job of bringing the on tears.

“Are you sure?” Brad asked inanely.

“Yes, you’re going to be a daddy. How do you feel?” Ritza asked, taking one of Brad’s hands in hers.

“Numb,” Brad replied, not looking at her.


“Oh this is not good, not good at all,” Gina breathed.

“I hate that bitch even more now,” Greg whispered.


“It’s a lot to take in, I know. I’ll let it sink in and you can tell Fenny and then we’ll go back to LA,” Ritza cooed, kissed Brad on the cheek and headed off back across the park.

Brad ran his fingers through his hair, got to his feet and headed off in the opposite direction.

“We have to tell Fenny before he does,” Gina gasped and took off down the slide.

“Why?” Greg asked, following her.

“Because, if she knows she’ll cope better, or something,” Gina mumbled.

“He might not go back to Ritza, you know,” Greg stated as they headed out of the park.

“Oh please, Brad isn’t the type of person to abandon a child,” Gina cussed.

“So how are we going to get back before he does without being seen?” Greg asked.

“I don’t know. Do you know any shortcuts?” Gina asked.

Greg thought for a moment. “Actually, I might,” Greg perked, leading Gina down a side street.

Brad stood outside Fenny’s apartment wringing his hands. He didn’t want to tell her. He didn’t particularly want to go back to Ritza, either. Brad took a deep breath and knocked. Fenny answered and looked relieved to see him. Brad couldn’t bring himself to smile, though.

“You got rid of her then? How did she take it?” she asked.

“Sit down,” he mumbled. “Please.”

Fenny looked at him worriedly; she’d never seen him so devoid of character before. She sat reluctantly on the couch, Brad sat next to her.

“There’s no easy way to say this…so I’m just going to say it,” he announced, his eyes not leaving the floor and his voice wavering. “She’s pregnant.”

Fenny felt herself immediately choke up. Everything had been perfect that morning, and now it had all turned rather suddenly to shit.

“I take it this means you’re not leaving her,” she managed to mumble.

“How can I?” he replied. “I couldn’t do it.”

She got back to her feet and walked across the room. She stopped, facing away from Brad, and then turned around to face him.

“Get out,” she hissed.

“Fenny, I’m so, so sorry,” he breathed as he stood.

“Don’t…don’t say anything. Just go,” she mumbled as the tears began to flow.

“I’m only doing it for the kid, I feel nothing for her. I love you,” he said softly.

Fenny turned away again. Brad wanted to say so much, but couldn’t.

“Well that’s the last time I let you lead me anywhere,” Gina huffed and she and Greg raced up the corridor.

“How many times do I have to…” Greg’s voice trailed off as Brad rushed past them, his head down. Gina was sure there were tears running down his cheeks.

“Fuck,” Gina spat and kicked the wall.