26 – Leaving on a Jet Plane

The next morning, Ryan was still in a foul mood. He’d not spoken a coherent sentence all the way to the airport; he’d merely communicated through a series of grunts and obscenities.

“I hope whatever’s up his ass crawls out by the time we get to Sydney,” Chip spat.

“We’re about to get on a plane, do you honestly think he’s going to just cheer up?” Greg stated.

“With any luck he’ll drink too much and pass out,” Brad mumbled.

“Hey, get off Ryan’s back,” Colin demanded.

“Oh, don’t stick up for him,” Drew huffed.

“Everyone’s allowed a bad day every once and a while,” Colin stated.

“Ryan’s not having a bad day, he’s having a hissy fit like a girl,” Greg sarced.

Colin gave Greg daggers and then marched off to where Ryan was sitting on his own in the airport lounge.

“Finished talking about me?” Ryan asked, staring into space.

“We weren’t talking about you. But we are worried,” Colin sighed, patting Ryan’s arm.

“Is it cheating if you can’t remember doing it?” Ryan asked.

“I don’t know. If you can’t remember, then it’s possible it didn’t happen,” Colin said matter-of-factly.

“Yeah, but what if it did? I don’t know if I could forgive myself,” Ryan bleated.

“Ryan, you probably did your John Wayne impersonation and then passed out,” Colin mused.

Ryan looked at Colin and smiled. “Am I getting paranoid over nothing?” he asked.

“Oh yes, and you’re giving everyone the shits, so cheer up,” Colin said only half seriously.

Ryan laughed and then said in a sulky voice, “Suppose we have to get on the plane now?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll hold your hand the whole way,” Colin giggled.

The flight to Sydney was only two hours long, although it still left ample opportunity for the Whose Line men to act like kids, or play an in flight game of Scenes From a Hat.

This caused quite a stir, especially when Drew suggested “Strange ways to hijack a plane.” Wayne sang his demands while Colin begged and pleaded. Even Ryan joined in by offering to “go down” with the captain.

Chip, Wayne and Brad then cracked everyone in earshot up with song they did in the style of the Village People for a gay steward.

By the time they landed in Sydney, everyone in close range to the Whose Line men had joined in the singing of various songs. You would have thought the mood would have lasted, but by the time they were outside the airport, the bickering had already started.

“I want to see the bridge,” Wayne sulked.

“No way the, Opera House,” Chip insisted.

“I’m hungry,” Drew chimed in.

“I need sleep,” Ryan sighed.

“Oh come on, we’ve gotta go to Bondi,” Brad demanded.

“I’d rather a drink,” Greg sacred.

“I have to call Felicia,” Colin mumbled.

Everyone fell silent. “You mean she’s in Sydney?” Brad mused.

“Well, it’s a Sydney number. I asked Paul back in Melbourne,” Colin shrugged.

“Look, why don’t we all just go and do what we want and meet up later,” Drew suggested.

Everyone agreed it would be best and headed off in separate directions.