7 – Sheep, Sheep Everywhere

“WAKEY, WAKEY,” screamed Bazza as he thumped on the hotel room doors of the Whose Line men.

Several minutes later, Ryan’s bleary-eyed head poked out from one of the doors.

“It’s five am,” he hissed.

“Yep, and if you wanna get to Oodna by tonight, you’d better get up,” Bazza grinned.

“You got us transport, then?” Ryan yawned.

“Yep,” Bazza said proudly, “better hurry though, he’s leaving soon.”

A short time later the weary bunch stood waiting by the side of a deserted road with Bazza. It was still stinking hot even thought the sun had barely begun to rise.

Colin and Greg had dozed off on each other’s shoulders while standing.

The silence was broken by a large, mud splattered tuck pulling into the street. As it pulled up in front of them, Wayne pointed out the obvious: it was full of sheep.

“G’day, Bazza,” perked the driver.

“Morning Chooka,” Bazza said waving.

“Right lads, hop in the back,” Chooka enthused.

“With the sheep?” Greg gasped.

“Yeah, they’ll not hurt ya,” Chooka chirped.

There were a few minutes of pure horror as the seven men squished their way into the back of the truck with the sheep.

“Oh this is going to be fun,” Brad sarced as two sheep cornered him. “Shoo…shoo,” he yelped as he made various hand gestures to try and make the sheep move.

“Are we ready?” Chooka asked, poking his head out of the window.

“NO,” everyone called back in unison.

Chooka cackled and started the engine. They waved to Bazza and then there was nothing but dust.

A few kilometres out of the Alice, Greg and Drew were forced to scrape the dust from their glasses, only to have them covered again. Colin crouched down only to have a sheep start nibbling on his ear, while another one decided to nibble Wayne’s butt. Every time Chip turned around a sheep would crap on his shoes, and Drew was trapped up near the cabin by several promiscuous ewes.

The tension breaking moment came when a sheep decided to position itself between Ryan’s legs and bleat loudly. Ryan shrugged his shoulders and began to bleat too and soon everyone was laughing.

“Aw, I think they’re bonding,” Drew cooed.

“I hope that’s all they do,” Greg chuckled.

By the time the sun began to set, Chooka was pulling his sheep-filled rig into Oodnadatta.

“Man, doesn’t Australia have anything other than towns with four pubs and 36 people?” Wayne grumbled.

“Of course it does,” Greg scorned. “We just haven’t gotten there yet.”

“I don’t want to spend another night in the middle of nowhere,” Brad whined.

“This isn’t nowhere. Besides we’ve got to find out how we got here originally,” Colin said matter-of-factly.

“Colin’s right. Although the quicker we find out, the quicker we can get out of here” Drew piped up.

“Ok, everybody out,” Chooka perked and unlocked the back of the truck.

“What’s going to happen to all these sheep?” Chip asked as he leapt out.

“Sunday lunch,” Chooka grinned.

Ryan turned back to his favorite sheep, bent down and hugged it. “Good luck buddy,” he cooed and then joined the others.