7 – Blood, Sweat and Tears

Colin’s driving became more erratic the closer they got to the abattoir, and he’d been forced to dodge several kangaroos. If he’d hit the kangaroos, it would’ve been the equivalent of hitting a brick wall, and he didn’t want to pay for repairs.

When it seemed like they’d never find Brad, Ryan pointed out a familiar silhouette bounding toward them in the middle of the road. Colin was forced to swerve again and narrowly missed ending up in a ditch.

“Thank you Brad, thank you,” Colin hissed as he rolled down the window.

“Let me in, we’ve gotta get moving,” Brad panted as Ryan nudged Greg awake.

Greg opened the door and Brad clambered in. He got Greg to untie his wrists and rubbed the deep red marks that were left.

“Which direction?” Colin asked.

“Down that dirt road,” Brad announced, pointing to a muddy track.

Colin reversed and then sped off down the dirt road. It took only a short time before they found the deserted abattoir.

“Now where?” Ryan asked.

“I think we were around the back,” Brad replied as they all piled out of the 4×4.

“You think? You mean you don’t actually know?” Greg gasped.

“I happened to be running in fear for my life, I didn’t pay that much attention,” Brad hissed. As they rounded one of the buildings, Brad noticed the shed they’d been in. “That’s the one,” he breathed and pointed.

The four men tiptoed to the door, making sure no one was around. Then Brad kicked the door open. The shed was empty.

“Chip and Wayne were here, I swear,” Brad sobbed.

“Well they’re not here now,” Colin stated.

“Shit,” Brad hissed and dropped to his knees.

“Hey, look at this, another note,” Ryan announced and unfolded a piece of paper pinned to the inside of the door. “Too late.”

“And?” Greg grumbled, hands on hips.

“That’s all it says,” Ryan sighed.

“Great, we’ve lost them,” Colin scorned.

“I should have stayed,” Brad whined.

“So now what do we do?” Greg huffed.

“Move into a straight line,” a voice snapped.

The four men looked around.

“I said MOVE.” The two heavies appeared with guns.

The four men move swiftly into a line.

“Where’s our friends?” Greg asked.

“Like I’m gonna tell ya,” replied one of the heavies.

“Well it’d be the decent thing to do,” Colin grumbled.

“Are you mental or somethin’?” snapped the other heavy.

Ryan noticed movement behind the two heavies, but he didn’t know if the others had. Then he realised it was Chip and Wayne: they’d obviously escaped from wherever they’d been.

“Keep them distracted,” Chip mouthed.

“So what if we’re mental? It’s our right! It’s part of the Fifth Amendment. God bless America and all who sail in her. And god bless Canada too, because without Canada, we wouldn’t have maple syrup for our pancakes…” Ryan rambled.

Colin looked at Ryan like he had gone mad, as did Brad and Greg. Then there was an almighty yell, and Wayne and Chip flew out from behind the heavies and attempted to tackle them.

The other four men scattered in different directions. Ryan saw one of the heavies raise his gun and point it in Greg and Colin’s direction.

“GREG, WATCH OUT,” Ryan yelled. Greg leapt aside, the gun fired, and Colin let out a yell and slumped to the ground.

“NO!” Ryan bellowed, but Brad held him back until the heavies looked at each other shocked and dashed off, leaving their guns behind.

Ryan dashed over to Colin.

“Colin, speak to me buddy,” Ryan babbled.

“Well this is great,” Colin grumbled.

“He’s been shot in the leg,” Wayne announced.

“We better get him to a hospital,” Brad added.

“Yeah, that might help, you know,” Colin said matter-of-factly.

“Don’t worry, Col, we’ll get you fixed up,” Ryan breathed.

Brad, Wayne, Chip, Greg and Ryan carried Colin back to the 4×4 and lay him on the back seat. Brad took over the driving, while Ryan made a bandage with a rag he found to control the bleeding from Colin’s leg.

“How did you guys get away?” Greg asked.

“Those heavies aren’t exactly geniuses,” Wayne mused.

“We asked them to undo the ropes so we could go to the bathroom,” Chip perked.

“Yeah, they’re stupid,” Greg nodded.

“Hey guys, anyone know where the closest hospital is?” Brad asked.

“Boy am I glad this isn’t an emergency,” Colin sarced.

“Shhh, save your strength,” Ryan cooed.

“It’s just a scratch,” Colin mumbled as he felt his eyes become heavy and slowly he dozed off.